John smith resource pack modded download

k Followers, Following, 2, Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Archive Store; (@archivestore_nl).  · John Smith Technician's Remix is a variation of the original John Smith texture pack which is designed for use with modded Minecraft, such as the FTB modpacks, Tekkit and Tekkit Lite. These textures are created by community members on github. Check it all out here. We are always looking for more people to help make the massive amount of modded.  · Enjoy! Inside the spoiler you can find pictures of some of the models. Keep in mind that the resourcepack includes many more than those shown here. Download the pack and find out yourself. Click to reveal. John Smith Legacy 3D Models Addon: .

JohnSmith Texture Pack 32x32 - V (with customizer) 32x beta Themed Texture Pack. 85%. VIEW. 32x Resolution. Minecraft beta Game Version. JohnSmith27 10 years ago • posted 10 years ago. Does anyone use JohnSmith for FTB I downloaded the modded John Smith resource pack and out it in the resource pack's folder for DireWolf20 but for Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. John Smith Legacy and John Smith Technician's Remix is a variation of the original John Smith texture pack which is designed for use with modded Minecraft. This is the offical website that host all the modded and vanilla downloads and textures. Make sure you check out the blog, vanilla, and modded pages.

John Smith Legacy - Modded. Resource Packs. , Downloads Last Updated: Game Version: Download. Install. Downloading now If it doesn’t, click here. Manage your mods and addons with the CurseForge desktop app for Windows and macOS. Download CurseForge App. John Smith Resource Pack Modded Download, Smeltzer 12e Text Handbook Taylor 2e Nursing Skills Video Guide Buchholz 7e Text Plus NDH Package Lippincott Williams Wilkins, Carwile His Life And Times: An Autobiography Howard H. Carwile, Recollections Of A Literary Life: Or Books, Places And People Mary Russell Mitford. JSTR (John Smith for modded) Texture pack has now been updated to ! It can be downloaded at Curseforge. Make sure to report any issues on the GitHub. 26 comments. 85% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by.


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