Script to clear torrent downloads

 · Basically just save the script to then setup a cron job to run the script every 5min or so. When it detects that a torrent is seeding it will remove the torrent from the manager. Hope it's useful to someone else. Python script to delete completed torrents: qBittorrent. As per the title. Created so that I can use Radarr to pull down content, seed for whatever limit I have set, and then "automatically" clean out the . Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.  · And this one simply deletes all the files ending with “.torrent” in ‘/home/osmc/Downloads’: #!/bin/bash cd /home/osmc/Downloads counter=0 shopt -s nullglob for f in *.torrent do rm -rvf "$ {f}" counter=$ ((counter+1)) done if [ $counter == 0 ]; then echo "No torrent file to delete" exit 1 else exit 0 fi.

If the cache space is used by packages downloaded within the last 24 hours and the client must download new packages, you can either increase the cache size or choose the option to delete persisted cache content. This script will delete the CCM folder which is beyond a specific size. New Script available from GitHub. # use sed to delete first / last line of output, and remove leading spaces # check if torrent download is completed: And then just use this as your post download script in Transmission config. This comment has been minimized. Sign in to view. Afternoon All, I am looking to apply a GPO which will erase users downloads folders daily at either a specific time (10am) or upon login. I've created a GPO and setup a scheduled task which points to file located on our Network shares (Always available) I cannot seem to get this to run · Mark, To achieve this, please follow the below: Open.

Transmission-Daemon: Remove Completed Torrents. # either hard-code the MOVEDIR variable here. echo “ * * * * * Operations on torrent ID $TORRENTID starting. * * * * * ”. # if the torrent is “Stopped”, “Finished”, or “Idle” after downloading %. echo “Torrent #$TORRENTID is completed.”. echo “Moving downloaded file (s) to $MOVEDIR.”. 1) Likely, your script isn't moving the files. Preferences / Directories has an option to move downloads when completed. verify that these settings aren't doing the file moving. 2) uTorrent locks the files on completion so that seeding can continue. To change this behavior, go to Preferences / Advanced and set bltadwin.ru_only_on_complete to false. You can just as easily alter this by doing -e tmpUser="MyActualUsername" -e tmpPass="MyActualPassword" or omit the 2 environment flags entirely from this script and hardcode your user/pass into the original remove_finished_torrents script by changing the 2 instances of $tmpUser:$tmpPass to MyActualUsername:MyActualPassword.


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